What is camo?


Continuing Airworthiness Management Organisation (CAMO) is another part of the EASA's Implementing Rules EU 1321/2014, Continuing Airworthiness. It falls under the category of the Part M subpart G.

The scope of the CAMO is to organize and manage all documents and publications for Maintenance Organizations Part 145 and Part M approved, like development and management of aircraft maintenance programmes fulfilled. A CAMO must also provide record keeping of maintenance performed. In other words, a CAMO provides a service for aircraft maintenance organizations. EASA has the power to give CAMO second privileges also but not in all cases. These second privileges allow the CAMO to conduct airworthiness review on aircraft, issue (or recommend for issue) Airworthiness Review Certificates and issue 'permit to fly' for maintenance check flights.

General requirements to be met by a CAMO are facilities (offices and documentation storage), a Continuing Airworthiness Management Exposition (CAME) which must be approved by the competent authority of the country or EASA and company procedures (to comply with Part M requirements). A CAMO can also be the operator of the aircraft.

Personnel required to be employed in a CAMO are the Accountable Manager (which can be the same person for CAMO and operator), the Quality Manager (to ensure all EASA requirements are in compliance) and appropriately qualified staff for airworthiness management. These personnel must be mentioned in the CAME. In case of second privileges Airworthiness Review Staff must be employed.

Like any other aviation organization a CAMO is audited by authorities and must fulfill all requirements. Findings in audits are categorized in levels. Level 1 and Level 2. Level 1 finding is a serious hazard to flight safety and the approval to operate can be revoked until a satisfactory correction is taken. Level 2 finding is non serious to flight safety, but must taken care of because it can lead to a Level 1 finding.

Additional maintenance observations


Fortress Aviation is a third party maintenance verification resource

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maintenance oversight prevention

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If a full blown audit is necessary to get a hold of your business and customers are starting to feel the mismanagement its time to call in the pros. A third party audit can really throw you for a loop but if the audit is self inflicted then its really a disciplinary action and the only outcome afterwards is tremendous  GROWTH!

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Don't get caught by the FAA with your pants down. An internal audit by a third party does a body good. Know how well your airlines running and find the weakest points. Our reviews return results and the best part is you'll discover your true value a grow from that point. 

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Are you the lone ranger? Flying, managing, dispatching and maintaining your owners aircraft can be a huge job that you don't realize is the work of a team and you're battling the gauntlet all by yourself. Kudos to you! An internal review and audit report deliver to your owner can help paint the picture of their operation helping them to understand why the budget is necessary.

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Running a safe operation? We can help you prove it with our third party audit.

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